Join our network or real estate partners

    fractional's network of partners help make our investment process seamless and hassle-free. Join us in making real estate investing accessible.

    Grow your business with us

    Agents & brokers

    Share your properties with our users and act as our members’ agent in closing investment deals. Diversify your leads and serve more clients with our vast network of local and out-of-state investors.

    Property Management

    Grow your AUM and management portfolio as our users purchase investment properties. We recommend our property management partners as soon as our members close on a property.

    Insurance companies

    Work with buyers who are confident in closing their deals. We direct all users to our insurance partners for immediate quotes and quick turnarounds.


    Provide financing to verified investors who are ready to close on properties. Our partners offer competitive rates and loan options for our users.

    Better together

    In the news

    The new ownership model built to work with and for everyone.